För allas bästa så försöker vi hållas oss till det försiktighetsåtgärder som förbundet har tagit fram vid spelande.
-Vid minsta symptom stanna hemma.
-Skaka inte hand inför och efter rundan.
-Vi plockar inte upp varandras discar ur tex korg eller på driving range.
-Bra kast och HIO firas med jubel istället för kroppskontakt.
PDGA har tagit fram egna som gäller vid PGDA sanktionerade event.
PDGA staff has also outlined several best practices to emphasize contactless competition. Event directors should consider integrating these additional recommendations to further enhance government directives:
- All players and staff should practice two-meter (6 feet) physical distancing upon arrival at the event and at all times prior to, during, and after their rounds at the event and in all event locations.
- Events should utilize virtual player meetings and other digital means for check-in and payout to avoid physical group settings such as player meetings, award ceremonies, or any other ancillary activities.
- Digital scoring should be utilized.
- Players should not touch discs, bags, carts, or any other property belonging to another player.
- Participants should bring and control their own food and water for the entire day.
Please review the full list of PDGA Requirements and Best Practices for Competition During COVID-19 for more information.